Item DROP List:
- Silver Medal: Jewels, 1st & 2nd Set of Every Characters +9 ~ +13
- Gold Medal: Jewels, 3rd Set of Every Character +9 ~ +13
- Box of Heaven: Jewels, 4th Set of Every Character +7 ~ +11
- Pink Choc Box: Ruud, Ancients, Jewels, Exc Weapons Tier 1
- Red Choc Box: Ruud, Ancients, Jewels, Exc Weapons Tier 2
- Blue Choc Box: Ruud, Ancients, Jewels, Exc Weapons Tier 3
- Green Box: Exc Items (Great Dragon, Glorious, Grand Soul, etc)
- Red Box: x380 Items (Sunlight, Dragon Knight, etc)
- Purple Box: x380 Weapons (Bone Blade, Phoenix Soul Start, etc)
- Elemental Capsule: Fragment of Expansion Radiance, Elemental Rune, Pentagrams
- Mysterious Box: Mysterious Stone or Ruud
- Sealed Silver Box + Key: Silver Box
- Sealed Golden Box + Key: Golden Box
- Silver Box: xRing + xPend, Broken Horn, Bless of Light, Jewels
- Golden Box: xRing + xPend, Broken Horn, Bless of Light, Jewels, Condor Flame, Rage Earrings, Three Vaccines
- Box of Kundum +1: 100 GP
Leather, Pad, Vine, Kriss, Small Shield
- Box of Kundum +2: 200 GP
Bronze, Bone, Silk, Storm Crow, Light Plate, Violent Wind, Sacred, Robust, Rune Pad, Gunner Leather, Slayer Red, Glimmer, Mage Pad
Buckler Shield, Tomahawk, Morning Star, Sacred Glove, Rune Mace, Flat Short Sword
- Box of Kundum +3: 300 GP
Scale, Sphinx, Wind, Storm Crow, Light Plate, Violent Wind, Sacred, Robust, Rune Pad, Slayer Red, Gunner Leather, Slayer Red, Glimmer, Mage Pad, xRings e xPendants
- Box of Kundum +4: 400 GP
Plate, Brass, Sphinx, Spirit, Storm Crow, Light Plate, Violent Wind, Gru Hill, Rune Sphinx, Slayer Set, Gunner Scale, Light Ray, Mage Sphinx
- Box of Kundum +5: 500 GP
Dragon, Legendary, Guardian, Storm Crow, Adamantine, Red Wing, Storm Hard, Princie, Rune Legendary, Slayer Demonic, Round Gunner, Flash, The Legend