Welcome to Dragon MU




- Updated Game Server to latest version.
- Update critical bug fixes.
- Class Attack Speed Adjustments.

- Adding freebie-stuffs in Loren Bar.
- Fixed Max Success rate of 4th Wings mix.
- Fixed Attack power calculation while wearing shield.
- Fixed Account/Chracters stucked in OffLeveling mode.
- Fixed MuHelper (Auto) not working with some certain.
- Moved Hunt Points maps to : Atlans, Tarkan, Icarus, Aida, Kanturu, Raklion, Karutan.
- Hunt Maps is now NonPvP and cannot be Offline Leveling.

New Hunt Points System Information:

- Player now can enhanced the Character's stats by hunting monsters.
- Hunt Points map: Atlans, Tarkan, Icarus, Aida, Kanturu, Karutan to gain Hunt Points.
- Gaining Hunt Points will gain your percentage of stats and Dmg.
- Default 2,500 Hunt Points is for free when creating Character.
- Each maps will gain randomly stats which total 8 attributes.
- Hover mouse to icon to check what attribute will gain with ->> UP.
- Weekly Hunt Points will be reset and 5% of total Points will be inactive.
- When PK in Hunt Maps, you will be moved to Hunt Battle if you have 100K+ Points
- Minimum Hunt Points requirements for Hunt Battle is 100,000 Points, /huntbattle.
- Hunt Points can be obtained by two ways: PvP Hunting for PvP Stealing.
- PvM Hunting: Just need to hunting you will get 1 Hunt Points each 20 mobs killed.
- Weekly Monsters limit: Free VIP = 100k mobs, VIP1 = 150k mobs ~ VIP8 = 500k mobs.
- PvP Stealing: Just need kill other player in Hunt Maps, you need atleast 100K Hunt Points.

Posted 19-06-2024

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